Friday, 12 March 2021

Safety in the pool

 Hello bloggers! 

On the 26th of February my class Waitemata went swimming in the school pool. First to get into the pool we had to fall in. Then we did an activity called whirl-pool it is an activity where you need and group of people and the need to run around in the pool. After we had to float on our back for three minutes but Miss Daly said to move our arms and legs around in circles while we were floating so we could float longer. 

Next Miss Daly made us into groups by giving us numbers which where one, two, three and four and I was number two, then she called out the numbers and we had to do some tricks the first trick was where we had to go underwater and push to get to the other side and move our arms and legs around in circles while we were floating so we could float and move back . 

My Picasso Self Portrait

 Hi bloggers, 

Last week we made a Picasso self portrait of our self. We learnt how to do it by watching a video.

 First you need some paper, colouring pencils and a pencil. First you need to draw the eyes and make it like a rugby ball then put an oval in it and a star by drawing some diagonal and straight lines. Next you need to draw the other eye like a sideways v and draw a curvy shape inside and the a oval and a tiny coloured in it. Then we drew the nose you need to draw how to draw a line on down then and on down then and Infinity loop next to it. Then draw the lips and the face shape which is like a long curvy shape around the face features. Later you can  the ear connected the face which is like a sideways m and then you could do a little sideways m too.After  you can draw a stylish hat and add some flowers or a feather and there too.You can also add some hair if you want. Then draw the neck connected to the face and then draw the body. Now you're Picasso portrait is finished. Here is the link if you would like to have a look at the video if you would like to have a look or didn't understand how I explained it.

Here is my Picasso self portrait if you would like to have a look.

Bye bloggers see you next time!

Monday, 8 March 2021

Lockdown 4

 Hello bloggers,

In lockdown number four my class had to work from home. We did two slideshows they were called my  2021 lockdown diary and my lockdown creations. My favourite activity in writing was my bio poem, because you get to write about yourself.

 First we had to make a new google drawing and write then once we finished we got to change the font and background colour. I felt happy while I was doing that activity. When we were doing our lockdown creations each day we were given something to do for writing and we could chose for maths and reading. We could also chose another activity to do on the syndicate site and put it on our slide show. Here is my slideshow