Friday, 28 May 2021

Maths Measurement

 Hi bloggers,

Last week on Thursday my maths class started on working on measurement. Firstly we had to write in our maths books the playground length, playground width, greenhouse length, Te Ana Ako length and Te Waka Ako deck length. 

Once we had wrote that we would get into buddies. Once me and my buddy got outside first we used our body parts to help us estimate how long we thought it was. Then we needed to get a ruler and see how close we where. Me and my buddy weren't close to most of them I think it is not right because when we estimated it it might have not been even.

Tuesday, 18 May 2021

Training Diary

 Hello bloggers, 

On March we got some training diaries. Once we got our training diaries we wrote our name, team the school address, our schools phone number and our email. At our fruit break we had some fitness activities to do like how long you could hold a plank for or how many burpees you could do we also did a ten metre shuttle and a endurance run. 

When we were doing fitness activities we needed someone to record how long you did something for or how much of something you did in the fitness time we also needed a stopwatch a pencil or a pen and our training diary. There is also a part in our diary that we can write compliments to different people in our syndicate we also have a part in our dairy that we write how many hours of sleep we got. 

The training diaries are to improve our fitness. Our inquiry this term is Taha Tinana which means Physical Well Being. 

Here is a photo of my training dairy

Friday, 14 May 2021

Swimming at Cameron Pools

Hello bloggers, 

On term 1 week 2 my class went to Cameron Pools. We got there by going on the school bus.

 Once we got there I was quite scared since my class was going into a bigger pool. When we got into the pool our swimming teachers introduced themselves. My swimming teachers name is Alisha but when I first started to go in to the bigger pool I needed some support and soon I got better and more confident. But this Thursday Alisha was away so I had Tracy. We practised bouncing up and down going under the water in the pool and we also practised swimming with the board and swimming on our backs. I am really enjoying swimming at Cameron Pools. I am really proud of myself for not giving up. My teacher is really proud of me too. 

Here are some photos if you would like to take a look.