Friday, 22 October 2021

Lockdown Creations

Hello bloggers!

This week I put my lockdown work on a slideshow Lockdown Creations. In the Lockdown Creations slideshow I had to put my Maths, Writing, Reading and the other curriculum activities I did. Two of my favourite activities put in Lockdown Creations Slideshow is a Symmetry Hunt ( where I had to go for a walk and take photos of symmetrical and asymmetrical objects ) and my other favourite activity is Grammar Sheet ( where I had to add the right words for groups of animals. )  Here is a photo of my Lockdown Creations Slideshow. 

Bye bloggers!

Have an amazing day and stay safe.


  1. Hi Jaycee, I also enjoyed the grammar sheet animal grouping.

  2. Aloha Jaycee. Well done on your mahi this week. Some of these groups on the collective nouns sheets were hard. There is no link on your photo, so I can’t see your symmetrical and asymmetrical photographs from your work. Can you add one please? Keep up the good learning and keep smiling.


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